TENNIS/PICKLEBALL COURTS ARE USED BY BHOA RESIDENTS ONLY.…There are (9) nine tennis courts in our community and are for Broadlands Association, Inc. residents ONLY. Before using, please review the TENNIS COURT RULES. Lessons and events are hosted by Blue Chip Sports Management or the Racquet Sports Committee. See contact information below. Courts may be reserved using the Court Reserve app on your smartphone.
Locations of Broadlands 9 Tennis/6 Pickleball Courts:
- Claiborne Courts: Claiborne Parkway adjacent to the Broadlands HOA Administrative Office (4 tennis courts)
- Broadlands Station Courts: Rickenbacker Square behind Fitness Center (1 tennis court and backboard)
- Hillside Park Courts: near Stone House at Hillside Park (2 tennis courts, includes 4 pickleball courts with nets
- Villages at Broadlands Courts: Wynridge area on Stillwater Terrace between the condos and villas (2 tennis courts, includes 2 sets of pickleball lines)

The courts located on Claiborne Parkway and at Hillside Park (Stone House) are equipped with lighting. The lights are available for activation from 7 AM to 8 AM and from 4 PM to 10 PM, seven days a week. The courts at Broadlands Station and Villages do not have lighting due to their proximity to residential units.
- For the Claiborne Parkway courts, the light switch is located on a pedestal outside the fence at the entrance.
- For the Hillside Park courts, the switch can be found on a pedestal outside the fence near the portable restroom.
Please note that the timers previously installed were replaced with manual switches due to frequent damage caused by players attempting to turn on the lights after hours. It is important to turn off the switches after your game, even if the lights have automatically turned off due to the timer. If the switches are left on, the lights will automatically activate again during the designated hours (7 AM to 8 AM and 4 PM to 10 PM). If you arrive at the courts during daylight hours and find that the lights are on, please turn them off. Please report any outages to 703-729-9704 or info@broadlandshoa.com to ensure that repairs are scheduled. Thank you for your cooperation.
Contacts: For tennis/pickleball reservation & lesson questions please contact Blue Chip Sports Management at Broadlands@bluechiptennis.net or 202-792-2860.
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