Call for Candidates – Annual Meeting – Tuesday, May 7, 2024 – 7pm

The Broadlands Association, Inc. is holding its Annual Meeting of The Membership on Tuesday, May 7th at 7 pm. This meeting is held every year to elect the Board of Directors as required by the Bylaws. In-person or proxy voting from at least ten percent of the total number of votes of the association is necessary to fulfill the quorum requirement. Official notification of this meeting will be sent via USPS mail around April 1. To simplify the voting process, The Inspectors of Election (TIE Vote) have been contracted to provide an online voting option for residents who cannot attend the meeting in person. Read the following to submit your candidacy!

Broadlands Association invites you to volunteer to serve on the Board of Directors!
Serving on the Board is a three-year commitment, which includes 12 monthly Board meetings, the Annual Membership Meeting, and Budget Meeting. This year, three positions are open for election. Monthly Board meetings are scheduled on the second Tuesday of each month at 6pm and last an average of two hours.  We are currently holding meetings virtually via the Zoom platform but traditionally hold meetings at the Clubhouse with dinner served but plan to return to that format in the future.  As a Board member, you may need to review emails and respond to resident inquiries between meetings. You are required to review all board meeting materials in advance of the meetings, which are distributed electronically the week before the meeting. We encourage you to review the information below and consider submitting your candidacy to serve your community. Candidate forms are due by 5pm on March 22, 2024.

Some of the powers and duties of the Board include (some of which may be contracted or otherwise hired out):

  • Providing goods and services in accordance with the documents and providing for the upkeep of the common area (e.g. mowing the common areas, providing trash services, operating the pools, maintaining the trail system)
  • Designating, hiring, and dismissing personnel necessary to provide for the upkeep of the common area and provide goods and services (e.g. approving contracts with the grounds, trash, and pool management companies as well as hiring association employees to oversee contractors and inspect properties)
  • Collecting and depositing assessments (contracted to a financial management company)
  • Adopting and amending rules and regulations (e.g. approving Design Guidelines, rules for Fitness Center Use, charters for committees, resolutions for Parking of Vehicles)
  • Opening bank accounts (contracted through the financial management company or handled by investment advisors)
  • Enforcing provisions of the documents (e.g. holding violation hearings for owners who fail to comply with violation notices)
  • Obtaining and carrying insurance (several policies in place for property, liability, directors and officers, crime, workers comp, cyber liability, umbrella, auto, blanket accident, and are bid out every few years)
  • Paying for authorized goods and services (managed by employees and financial management)
  • Charging reasonable fees for the use of the common area (e.g. establishing fee structure for fitness center use, community center rentals, outside pool memberships)
  • Suspending the right of an owner or occupant to vote or to use common area (in accordance with state statute for delinquent owners or those in violation of the covenants)
  • Preparing and adopting an annual budget and establishing assessments (partaking in annual budget review process with General Manager and Board)
  • Employing a managing agent (the association currently employs a full time General Manager, ten full and part time year-round administrative employees, and contracts for financial management)

The full list of powers and duties can be found in the Bylaws for Broadlands.

The Articles of Incorporation provide that the Board be comprised of nine people elected to serve in staggered terms of three years.  Eligible Board Members include owners, owner’s spouses, an officer, trustee, general partner or agent of an owner, the Declarant or designee of the Declarant, or a mortgagee or designee of the mortgagee.  Owners or representatives of owners may not be more than sixty days delinquent in meeting financial obligations to the association.

If you have any questions about the responsibilities of serving on the board, please contact Sarah Gerstein, General Manager at 703-520-9905 or

go to duties 

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