Upcoming Events

Board of Directors Meeting @ Virtually via Zoom
Apr 8 @ 6:00 PM

BOD meetings will be virtual at 6 pm using the following Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83153245955?pwd=WHdJSVplUzNPb3NJYnZaM3R2d2ozdz09

Click HERE for Agendas

Participating in Board Meetings: If you would like to request an item be added to the agenda or provide written comments for inclusion in the board meeting materials, please submit comments to Sarah@Broadlandshoa.com.  The deadline for written comments is 5:00 pm seven days prior to the meeting, generally Tuesday.  Additionally, residents are welcome to observe the public portion of meetings and may address the Board during the ‘Member Forum’ section of the meeting, typically held at the start of the meeting.

Board of Directors Meeting @ Virtually via Zoom
May 20 @ 6:00 PM

BOD meetings will be virtual at 6 pm using the following Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83153245955?pwd=WHdJSVplUzNPb3NJYnZaM3R2d2ozdz09

Click HERE for Agendas

Participating in Board Meetings: If you would like to request an item be added to the agenda or provide written comments for inclusion in the board meeting materials, please submit comments to Sarah@Broadlandshoa.com.  The deadline for written comments is 5:00 pm seven days prior to the meeting, generally Tuesday.  Additionally, residents are welcome to observe the public portion of meetings and may address the Board during the ‘Member Forum’ section of the meeting, typically held at the start of the meeting.

Board of Directors Meeting @ Virtually via Zoom
Jun 10 @ 6:00 PM

BOD meetings will be virtual at 6 pm using the following Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83153245955?pwd=WHdJSVplUzNPb3NJYnZaM3R2d2ozdz09

Click HERE for Agendas

Participating in Board Meetings: If you would like to request an item be added to the agenda or provide written comments for inclusion in the board meeting materials, please submit comments to Sarah@Broadlandshoa.com.  The deadline for written comments is 5:00 pm seven days prior to the meeting, generally Tuesday.  Additionally, residents are welcome to observe the public portion of meetings and may address the Board during the ‘Member Forum’ section of the meeting, typically held at the start of the meeting.

Board of Directors Meeting @ Virtually via Zoom
Jul 8 @ 6:00 PM

BOD meetings will be virtual at 6 pm using the following Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83153245955?pwd=WHdJSVplUzNPb3NJYnZaM3R2d2ozdz09

Click HERE for Agendas

Participating in Board Meetings: If you would like to request an item be added to the agenda or provide written comments for inclusion in the board meeting materials, please submit comments to Sarah@Broadlandshoa.com.  The deadline for written comments is 5:00 pm seven days prior to the meeting, generally Tuesday.  Additionally, residents are welcome to observe the public portion of meetings and may address the Board during the ‘Member Forum’ section of the meeting, typically held at the start of the meeting.

Board of Directors Meeting @ Virtually via Zoom
Aug 12 @ 6:00 PM

BOD meetings will be virtual at 6 pm using the following Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83153245955?pwd=WHdJSVplUzNPb3NJYnZaM3R2d2ozdz09

Click HERE for Agendas

Participating in Board Meetings: If you would like to request an item be added to the agenda or provide written comments for inclusion in the board meeting materials, please submit comments to Sarah@Broadlandshoa.com.  The deadline for written comments is 5:00 pm seven days prior to the meeting, generally Tuesday.  Additionally, residents are welcome to observe the public portion of meetings and may address the Board during the ‘Member Forum’ section of the meeting, typically held at the start of the meeting.

Board of Directors Meeting @ Virtually via Zoom
Sep 9 @ 6:00 PM

BOD meetings will be virtual at 6 pm using the following Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83153245955?pwd=WHdJSVplUzNPb3NJYnZaM3R2d2ozdz09

Click HERE for Agendas

Participating in Board Meetings: If you would like to request an item be added to the agenda or provide written comments for inclusion in the board meeting materials, please submit comments to Sarah@Broadlandshoa.com.  The deadline for written comments is 5:00 pm seven days prior to the meeting, generally Tuesday.  Additionally, residents are welcome to observe the public portion of meetings and may address the Board during the ‘Member Forum’ section of the meeting, typically held at the start of the meeting.

Board of Directors Meeting @ Virtually via Zoom
Oct 14 @ 6:00 PM

BOD meetings will be virtual at 6 pm using the following Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83153245955?pwd=WHdJSVplUzNPb3NJYnZaM3R2d2ozdz09

Click HERE for Agendas

Participating in Board Meetings: If you would like to request an item be added to the agenda or provide written comments for inclusion in the board meeting materials, please submit comments to Sarah@Broadlandshoa.com.  The deadline for written comments is 5:00 pm seven days prior to the meeting, generally Tuesday.  Additionally, residents are welcome to observe the public portion of meetings and may address the Board during the ‘Member Forum’ section of the meeting, typically held at the start of the meeting.

Board of Directors Meeting @ Virtually via Zoom
Nov 11 @ 6:00 PM

BOD meetings will be virtual at 6 pm using the following Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83153245955?pwd=WHdJSVplUzNPb3NJYnZaM3R2d2ozdz09

Click HERE for Agendas

Participating in Board Meetings: If you would like to request an item be added to the agenda or provide written comments for inclusion in the board meeting materials, please submit comments to Sarah@Broadlandshoa.com.  The deadline for written comments is 5:00 pm seven days prior to the meeting, generally Tuesday.  Additionally, residents are welcome to observe the public portion of meetings and may address the Board during the ‘Member Forum’ section of the meeting, typically held at the start of the meeting.

Board of Directors Meeting @ Virtually via Zoom
Dec 9 @ 6:00 PM

BOD meetings will be virtual at 6 pm using the following Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83153245955?pwd=WHdJSVplUzNPb3NJYnZaM3R2d2ozdz09

Click HERE for Agendas

Participating in Board Meetings: If you would like to request an item be added to the agenda or provide written comments for inclusion in the board meeting materials, please submit comments to Sarah@Broadlandshoa.com.  The deadline for written comments is 5:00 pm seven days prior to the meeting, generally Tuesday.  Additionally, residents are welcome to observe the public portion of meetings and may address the Board during the ‘Member Forum’ section of the meeting, typically held at the start of the meeting.