Vulture Notice to the Community

UPDATE 3.12.21: Residents Help Needed to Deter Vulture Roosting...Broadlands recently contracted with the USDA to disperse a community of hundreds of vultures who had been roosting on trees and rooftops.  Their efforts included pyrotechnics and effigies and were immediately effective in sending hundreds of vultures out of Broadlands.  However, for the vulture roost dispersal to be effective long term, the vultures will need to be continually harassed if they try to roost in the area again.  While it is not uncommon or problematic to see a few vultures circling in the sky or sitting in trees scouting out food during the day, it is the overnight roosting that is destructive and needs to be deterred.  If you see vultures landing in trees or on homes in the evening as dusk approaches, we encourage you to assist in the disbursement efforts:

UPDATE 3.2.21: Vulture deterrents commenced on March 1st.

The USDA is tracking the birds, but the number of birds and the size of Broadlands means they could relocate to a new hiding spot that the trackers do not see. If you notice vultures roosting in Broadlands, please email or call 703-520-9905 with their location.

UPDATE 2.26.21: Broadlands Association is aware of the advantages vultures provide and has published information for residents about their positive impact on the local ecosystem.

After numerous complaints from residents and local businesses – and in cooperation with LCPS – Broadlands Association consulted with USDA-APHIS. After consideration of the number of birds and the amount of time present, they recommend remediation to protect the health and safety of our residents. The goal of the wildlife specialists at APHIS is to non-lethally deter the birds from roosting in residential areas where they can cause property damage and health concerns, but also to drive them to uninhabited woodlands or open farmland where they can safely roost away from potential hazards in residential areas. 

NOTICE: 2.24.21: Vulture Remediation Initiative

Broadlands Association and LCPS have contracted with the USDA to address the vulture population in the Broadlands area. To deter the vultures, the USDA will perform dispersal tactics beginning Monday, March 1st, which may continue through Sunday, March 7th, if necessary. It is important to read the following notice about this remediation process and understand that some tactics used may set off unexpected noises: Vulture Notice>>>

Loudoun Seeks Public Input on Proposed Bus Routes to Metrorail Silver Line Stations

Submit comments by March 26th! from the public regarding the proposed Silver Line Bus Routes may be submitted using our online form at, by email or postal mail. All comments received by March 26, 2021, will be included in the process to finalize the route.

Members of the public have an opportunity to shape future routes and schedules for Loudoun County Transit’s Metro Connection Bus service. The proposed Metro Connection Bus Routes to Metrorail Silver Line stations will go into effect when the Ashburn and Loudoun Gateway Metrorail Stations open in Loudoun County, currently estimated for summer 2021.

Details, Map and Flyer>>

Overview on how to attend online public meeting on February 25, 6:00pm-7:30pm to ask questions, provide input and learn more about the proposed routes: