VDOT Traffic Calming Task Force Virtual Meeting

June 28, 2022 @ 6:00 PM
Virtually via Zoom

VDOT Traffic Calming Task Force Virtual Meeting –  Jun 28, 2022 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada).

TOPIC: Proposed Traffic Calming Committee Seeking Volunteers: The Loudoun County Department of Transportation and Capital Infrastructure (DTCI) performed engineering studies on Chickacoan Trail Drive, Demott Drive, Glebe View Drive, Ridgeway Drive, and Village Drive.  Traffic and speed data on all but Village Drive met the qualifications to develop conceptual plans for traffic calming measures.  We are looking for residents in the affected areas interested promoting traffic calming to review the information and help distribute information to all affected owners in preparation for the survey that VDOT will put out later this year.  There are a total of 1,239 residents broken out into smaller sections that are affected by these areas.  In each section, more than 50% support will be required to implement the recommended traffic calming measures. Please review the following information and see if you are on the affected property list and join the June 28th VDOT Traffic Calming Task Force Virtual Meeting using the Zoom links below:

JOIN ZOOM MEETING: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81447884026?pwd=Q3NIbDNhZ21nZTYyWGdtUkRuL2pnQT09

  • Meeting ID: 814 4788 4026
  • Passcode: 470897

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  • Meeting ID: 814 4788 4026
  • Passcode: 470897
  • Find your local number: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kd0WcDHWHY

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