Pool Photos Processed Outdoors Tomorrow!

Due to contamination concerns regarding COVID-19, the Nature Center will be closed until March 31st. However, we will still be processing pool photos outside of the building. Photos can be taken without physical contact in just a few seconds. You don’t even need to get out of your car! So swing by the Nature Center for “drive-thru pool pass pics”! Make sure you’ve registered first and we’ll be out front and ready to snap your pictures. You can drive, bike, walk or scoot on over to the Nature Center between 10am-2pm Saturday, March 14th.

St. Patrick’s Day Block Party is Canceled for Saturday, March 14, 2020

New Pool Registration is Now in Progress for 2020! No More Physical Passes!


YOU MUST REGISTER YOUR HOUSEHOLD BEFORE COMING IN FOR PHOTOS! Due to concerns with COVID-19, the Nature Center building will be closed until March 31, 2020. Therefore pictures will be handled as follows: Photos will be performed out front of the building to avoid contact.  Please contact the office to confirm availability and we would be happy to meet you out front.

Arbor and Van Metre Apartment tenants may access Broadlands pools by purchasing a membership. The 2020 fee for a household membership is $200. You must pay prior to registering HERE>>

Not a Broadlands Association resident? Outside Memberships are available. You must pay prior to registering HERE>>

A Call for Candidates

The 2020 Annual Meeting of the members of Broadlands Association, Inc. will be held on Tuesday, May 5th, 2020. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend this important meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to elect members to the Board of Directors, including three (3) members to serve three-year terms expiring May 2023 and one (1) member to serve a two-year term expiring May 2022. The Board oversees the business of Broadlands in the collection and expenditure of association funds, selection of contractors, management of facilities, and adoption of policies for the day-to-day operations.
If you are interested in serving, please complete the Nominating Form and Petition for Candidacy and return both documents to the Broadlands Association, Inc. office by 5:00pm on Friday, March 20th, 2020.

2020 Monthly Assessments

  • Single Family Homes on VDOT Streets – $81.00
  • Single Family Homes on Private Streets – $102.00
  • Town Homes – $94.00
  • Courtyard Homes/Overland Park (lawn mowing & turf services included) – $147.00
  • Park Glen Villas (lawn mowing & turf services included – outside of fenced areas) – $112.00

Are you paying the correct assessment amount each month? You can check your account online or contact First Service Residential at 703-679-1541 or by email Broadlands.dcmetro@fsresidential.com. For details on the 2020 Monthly Assessments, see page 11 of the December newsletter.