On Monday, May 14, 2018, Patriot Disposal will begin servicing the single-family units in Broadlands with Automated Side Loader Trucks.  What does this mean to you?  Typical trucks have one or two laborers travel on the back of the truck picking up trash from the street by hand and emptying it into the back of the truck for compacting.  An automated side loader has an electronic arm that extends from the passenger’s side of the truck to grab and lift the trash can and dump its contents into the top of the truck for compacting.  This will require some minor adjustments in the way trash is placed curbside as well as parking near the curbside bins.  Please click on the following to review these key items:  AUTOMATED SIDE LOADER INFO

2018 Annual Meeting of the Members of Broadlands Association

Please mark your calendars for this important meeting and plan to attend on Tuesday, May 8th, 2018 at 7:00pm.  The purpose of the meeting is to elect members to the Board of Directors, including three (3) members to serve three year terms expiring May 2021 and one (1) member to serve a one year term expiring May 2019. The Board oversees the business of Broadlands in the collection and expenditure of association funds, selection of contractors, management of facilities, and adoption of policies for the day-to-day operations. These volunteer Board Members are a vital asset to the association.

As in prior years, the Board has contracted with The Inspectors of Election, LLC to act as an independent third party election service. This provides the Association’s members the option to vote via paper Proxy Ballots or vote your Proxy online via their TIEiVOTE™ voting website. The online system offers you an easy way to vote in a secure, quick and cost-effective manner. The Inspectors of Election will mail the official annual meeting notice and election package on or about April 1st, 2018, which will contain unique login information for each unit to access the TIEiVOTE™ voting website. Proxies should either be submitted online via the voting website or will need to be mailed, faxed, or scanned to the Inspectors of Election, LLC. Proxy forms will not be accepted at the HOA Office.

For those of you that submit for candidacy in the election, we thank you for your willingness to assist in the success of your community.  Remember to mark your calendars for Tuesday, May 8th, 2018 for the Annual Meeting of Broadlands Association, Inc.

Volunteers Needed for Tree Planting This Weekend


NRPA staff is here from 10:00am-3:00pm to hand out trees, pass out instructions and answer your questions.******

The National Recreation and Parks Association is donating 200 whips (white oaks and Green sapling of apple treesycamores) to the HOA to be planted as part of our earth day efforts.  The locations for planting are in the no-mow areas behind Frame Square, Iredell Square, and Summerbrooke Pool, up the hill, backing up to the Greenway. The no-mow areas were established to increase habitats for insects and wildlife, reduce air and noise pollution from mowers, provide a buffer from the highway, restore natural landscapes for exploring, promote sustainable landscaping, and reduce heat island effects.

Volunteer to plant at your leisure this weekend. Areas will be marked where planting should take place. Click on PLANTING MAP for location details. The whips are very small and will be easy to transport and plant. All you need is a small shovel or spade.  It’s as easy as 1-2-3…dig the hole, plant the whip, and fill the hole with dirt and compact.  Watering is helpful, but not necessary.  Planting can be done on your own during the time frame allotted.

We are asking students and families to participate in this endeavor. Please sign up here:

These whips will be available beginning Friday, April 27th for planting over the weekend. Whips can be picked up at the Nature Center on Friday or Saturday morning on the back patio, adjacent to the tennis courts.  NRPA will have staff at the Nature Center on Friday, from 10:00am-3:00pm to hand out trees, pass out instructions and answer your questions.


Any questions, please contact