Volunteers Needed for Tree Planting This Weekend


NRPA staff is here from 10:00am-3:00pm to hand out trees, pass out instructions and answer your questions.******

The National Recreation and Parks Association is donating 200 whips (white oaks and Green sapling of apple treesycamores) to the HOA to be planted as part of our earth day efforts.  The locations for planting are in the no-mow areas behind Frame Square, Iredell Square, and Summerbrooke Pool, up the hill, backing up to the Greenway. The no-mow areas were established to increase habitats for insects and wildlife, reduce air and noise pollution from mowers, provide a buffer from the highway, restore natural landscapes for exploring, promote sustainable landscaping, and reduce heat island effects.

Volunteer to plant at your leisure this weekend. Areas will be marked where planting should take place. Click on PLANTING MAP for location details. The whips are very small and will be easy to transport and plant. All you need is a small shovel or spade.  It’s as easy as 1-2-3…dig the hole, plant the whip, and fill the hole with dirt and compact.  Watering is helpful, but not necessary.  Planting can be done on your own during the time frame allotted.

We are asking students and families to participate in this endeavor. Please sign up here: www.signupgenius.com/go/20f054bafa92ea4ff2-volunteers

These whips will be available beginning Friday, April 27th for planting over the weekend. Whips can be picked up at the Nature Center on Friday or Saturday morning on the back patio, adjacent to the tennis courts.  NRPA will have staff at the Nature Center on Friday, from 10:00am-3:00pm to hand out trees, pass out instructions and answer your questions.


Any questions, please contact Sarah@broadlandshoa.com

What’s Happening this Weekend in Broadlands?


Broadlands Spring Yard Sale, Saturday, April 25, 8:00am-2:00pm

Come shop and sell at the Broadlands spring Community Yard Sale, rain or shine at private residences throughout the Broadlands neighborhood, The Arbors and The Van Metre Broadlands Apartments. The HOA will publicize the yard sale in Ashburn Today, Leesburg Today, Loudoun Times-Mirror and The Washington Post. To participate, please click on this link to create your listing and retrieve a map: https://www.broadlandshoa.org/yardsale/

Spring Yardsale Flyer – 2015

EarthDay@LoudounLogo-sm7th Annual Earth Day and Family Festival, Sunday, April 26, 11:00am-4:00pm

This event will be held at 42920 Broadlands Blvd, next to Clyde’s and will feature live music, hands on activities, market place and much more! Visit Earthdayatloudoun.org for more details.

Questions: Please contact Broadlands HOA Wildlife Habitats Committee at info@earthdayatloudoun.org or 703-725-8040.


2015 Earthday@Loudoun Family Festival 

earthday_loudoun-process-s130x129Please review this information 2015 Earth Day Sponsorship Letter Package and visit the website at www.earthdayatloudoun.org/sponsor/ to sign up and become one of our sponsors.This 7th Annual event focuses on environmental and economical sustainability as well as education…

  • With over 100 exhibitors we bringing new efficiency technologies, products and services, and ways to conserve and protect our natural resources.

  • Local food showcased by local farms and our Market Place where arts and crafts are made by local artists.

  • School groups and non-profit organizations providing tons of educational hands on activities educating the crowd of all ages.

broadlands live logo

Broadlands Live! is Just Around the Corner 

Broadlands Live! is in its 12th Season and is one of Ashburn’s longest running concert series, with hundreds in attendance at every show! If your business is looking for an innovative way to get up close and personal with the residents of this community, Broadlands Live! is the perfect place to showcase your company. Highly visible exposure includes not only signage at all 4 shows, but website, social media, newsletter, over 18,000 postcard impressions, and so much more are all part of the sponsorship package! Meet and socialize with your potential customers while enjoying NoVa’s best local bands at this family friendly annual event. Visit www.broadlandslive.com to see past sponsors and check out this spectacular event. Sponsorship space is limited so contact us at broadlandslive@yahoo.com ASAP for a sponsorship package!