Mark Your Calendars! Butterfly Exhibit Sep 14-15 and Release Event on Sep 16…

Broadlands Wildlife Habitats Committee has been carefully collecting Monarch butterfly eggs and caterpillars from the pollinator gardens created in our community. PDF: Butterfly Flyer 2017

Monarchs will be on display at the Broadlands Nature Center on the 14th, and the 15th of September during business hours, 21907 Claiborne Pkwy, Broadlands, VA 20148

Butterflies will be released on Sat., Sept., 16th at 3:00pm. If the weather condition is not ideal, the release will be on Sun., Sept. 17th, same time.  The release will take place at the Native Plant Demonstration & Wildlife Habitat Garden located on the corner of Ridgeway Drive and Inglewood Court.

Raffle giveaways for participants and photo opportunities with butterflies.

Native Plant Gardens Visit – Thursday, June 8 – FREE EVENT

Native Plants Projects Flyer 2017

Get some ideas about incorporating native plants into your HOA’s landscape by seeing what a local HOA is doing on their property! The Broadlands HOA has initiated several projects to manage their common areas more sustainably. We’ll meet at the Nature Center and then walk/drive to the nearby native plant garden.

You can sign up for the tour at two different time slots: REGISTER HERE>>
8:30am – 10:00am
4:00pm – 5:30pm